Latest sessions

Hi there, I have been away from this page for a while. Been recording and mixing a lot, being a father a lot, taking care of several amusing and less amusing tasks, including the launch of The Hobnob and Recording Festival websites, drove a lot, back pain a lot but now better.

Of the latest sessions I worked on in the studio and in my mixing room I won’t forget Soft Plastic and Heinz Edlinger of Private Insomnia.

Soft Plastic is a fabulous indie pop duo from Vienna, it is unprecedented fun and pleasure working with the unconsciously talented Marco Divic and the young magic lovely Nina Leinwatter. We recorded their debut EP at Recordable in Stockerau, north of Vienna (EP To be released on June 2013 by Aerostat/Ray). Recordable (…the site is terrible but the studio awesome) is a very cool Neve 5106 studio with a great vibe and the right tools. Drummer and web-wise Matthias-Maddes-Roos joined the band as drummer, another special guy. I am currently mixing the last 2 songs. Shortly after that I recorded some SheLoom tracks for our upcoming new album (expected December 2013). Then in late January/first of February the marvelous-dude Heinz Edlinger of the Styria classic rock act Private Insomnia drove up to Vienna, my SheLoom brother Jordon Zadorozny flew from Canada and we recorded the band single plus 2 more songs. It was perfect, a blast of fun and sonics. We nailed fantastic guitar sounds and Heinz…what a singer. I wish all young rockers and music makers realize the importance of performance before entering any studio or pushing any computer button. I am mixing these at the Cave, in Tuscany.

Shaping Insomnia (with Heinz and JZ)
recording Soft Plastic
Maddes & Nina
Marco Divic and Filippo Gaetani
Jordon, Filippo, Heinz
Jordon Z, Heinz E, Filippo G
Soft Plastic
Filippo and Marco Divic of Soft Plastic
Soft Plastic

On more recent news, Jordon and Ken Andrews told me DNA will be releasing Lurker, a great almost forgotten DNA track I played bass and guitars on back then in 2007 at Bombshelter in LA. Ken just sent me the mix and, as always, it sounds unreal.

Here is some tech news for the gear freaks, about the sessions at recordable and at the Cave:

Soft Plastic EP and Private Insomnia singles:
– Recorded on Neve 5106 using on board preamps and external amek 9098 pre eq. Additional Nina vocal recordings made at the Cave with Neve 1073LB and at Divic studio with Apogee Mini Me, Nina Mic is always a Brauner Phantom. No dynamics or Eq was used during recording.
– G&L and Fender guitars,Orange preamp, music man and fender precision bass (soft plastic)
– Fender, PRS, Dusenberg and Suhr Guitars, mesa boogie and orange amps (private insomnia)
– Digidesign 96io interfaces, Apogee Mini Me and Apogee Symphony as converters
– Purple audio 1176, Distressors, Api 512 and Neve 1073 LB, Tubetech CL1 and Summit TL were used for recordings in Vienna and Tuscany at the Cave.
– Mixed at the Cave Nicerizer 16 track summing amp, Thermionic freebird eq, Apogee Symphony, plugins from UAD, Waves and Massey, TL space reverbs and Echoboy delays, and these toys in the lunchbox: Neve 2264s, Api 525s and 550b, Api 527s, retro Doublewide, TSL4 Inward comp limiter, Api 5500 eq and at Recordable using Dangerous 2 bus, Universal Audio 2192 converter, tubetech Cl1, distressors, summit TL100, purpleaudio and neve 33609.

I am posting pics and later videos

Best to all

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